Taking Care of
Nassau County Parks
Nassau Parks Conservancy
Sustainability, Consciousness, and Innovation Since 1980

The Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation and Museums manages more than 70 parks, preserves, museums, historic properties, and athletic facilities comprised of 6,000 acres throughout the County.

The Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation and Museums manages more than 70 parks, preserves, museums, historic properties, and athletic facilities comprised of 6,000 acres throughout the County.

Wantagh Park
1 King Rd, Wantagh, NY 11793
Wantagh Park is a county park located in southeastern Nassau County, NY within the hamlet of Wantagh. At 111 acres the park provides various recreational activities along with a picturesque waterfront location.
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Checkout Our Locations
Feel free to visit any of Nassau Counties' parks and enjoy the beautiful landscapes Long Island has to offer, from waterfront beaches to the sprawling fields located inland. Be sure to let us know what you think and don't forget to submit your picture to have it featured on our website for all to see!
Our Goals
Established in 1980, the original organization “The Friends of Nassau County Recreation, Inc.” was created, now the “Nassau Parks Conservancy”, with the following goals in mind:
1 —
To foster appreciation of Nassau County owned/operated parks and encourage their greater use for leisure and recreational purposes.
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To contribute to the restoration and beautification of these parks and promote their use.
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To assist in the development of recreation and cultural programming at these park facilities
4 —
To provide administrative and collaborative support for some Nassau County Parks, Recreation & Museum affiliated events, such as the annual Long Island Marathon.
Our Programs
The Nassau Parks Conservancy currently oversees many of Long Island's Favorite Events and Activities

The Nassau County Hockey Program operates under the auspices of the Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Museums and exists to serve the interests of the residents of Nassau County.

Activities include swimming, arts & crafts, board games, tennis, 1st tee golf, and other sports such as basketball, baseball flag football, whiffle ball, and more! Click the link above to learn more about our Summer recreation program

Set for its 47th annual running this year, New York's Long Island Marathon is a longtime running tradition here on eastern Long Island on the first weekend of May, dating back to the race's first running in the 1970s, when it was run as the Earth Day Marathon and featured only a full, 26.2-mile marathon